Remy is a mouse that loves eating. He is trying to prevent Skinner from being a villain who plans to build a restaurant, but based on the reputation of chef Auguste Gusteau. Remy didn’t accept her idol being a brand for cheap food, so she didn’t let it happen. Following the long journey, some of the first missions will help players understand the ability of the protagonist, as well as plans for the future. 

The idea of ​​each level is to collect herbs, food, fruits or anything else that appears along the way. Completely lacking the appearance of monsters, the only obstacle here is the environment. They are designed to include pitfalls, forcing players to climb, or finding something reasonable to overcome. It also includes a number of minigames, which leads to another difficult road facing. However, the gameplay is mostly transparent and easy to grasp. But whether or not you continue to develop the process, it depends on your cleverness.





